
Direktlänk till inlägg 12 maj 2011

Ny intervju med Miley

Av Mileyandthesmiley - 12 maj 2011 15:06

“It’s hard for me to understand and speak in Spanish, but if there is a possibility I would like to record a song in this language,” said the artist, through translator, hours before his presentation at the Jockey Club Paraguay.

The exprotagonista television series “Hannah Montana” gave a press conference on the terrace of a hotel asunceno, which also said to be excited about her first visit to Paraguay as part of his Latin American tour “Gypsy Heart” (gypsy heart .)

“I’m very happy, it’s my first time in Paraguay and I am very happy,” said the artist, who said he knows very little about this country and would have liked to stay longer to visit sites of interest.

After his presentation on Tuesday, Cyrus will travel to Brazil on Wednesday, which will offer concerts in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo.

The Disney exestrella not ruled out returning to television, although she emphasized that she is very happy with the life he leads and he likes not having to always be in the same place.

As for the influence over his followers, said, “is impressive,” know that his “music can change so many lives, affecting many lives.”

However, he regretted that the fame he has been deprived of freedom to do those crazy things as a child, a teenager. ”

“A normal child may have normal problems with his parents and in my case this situation would echo in the media,” said the singer, 18.

He said he also would like to sometimes go unnoticed when out with his family, “not so much by the fans, if not for the paparazzi,” living making outstanding.

“The good thing is being surrounded by good people to protect me. There are many people who want to make friends for fame or is mean-spirited and it’s always good to have someone you trust to look after me,” he said.

The singer of “I can not be tamed” (“I can not be tamed”) also said that currently they are influenced and identified by Joan Jett, rock music icon of the seventies and eighties.

The artist’s tour began on 29 March in Ecuador and Paraguay before reaching was in Peru, Chile and Argentina.

Cyrus became famous thanks to the Disney series “Hannah Montana”, in which she starred with his father and famous country singer Billy Ray Cyrus.

Topics such as “Fly on the wall”, “The Climb” or “Party in the USA” placed it in the top of the charts of half the world



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Av Mileyandthesmiley - 21 oktober 2012 13:40

Av Mileyandthesmiley - 17 juli 2012 15:55

Startade en ny blogg om Miley med min vän ;) Kolla in bloggen här! Jag är säker på att ni kommer gilla den bloggen mer! En ny design kommer strax till den bloggen från! Kolla in ...

Av Mileyandthesmiley - 3 juni 2012 18:24

Vill bara säga att jag kanske lägger ner bloggen , är jätte störande laggar som tusan och har sjukt myket annat jag måste göra.   vad tycker ni ska jag lägga ner bloggen eller ska jag byta tillbaka till vet att jag har gj...

Av Mileyandthesmiley - 2 juni 2012 14:59

...Bild   ...gif .. ...outfit     ...tumblr   ...spotlight   ...

Av Mileyandthesmiley - 2 juni 2012 14:36



Hej och välkommen till bloggen här skiver jag allt nytt om Miley Ray Cyrus hoppas ni gillar bloggen , MVH Mileyandthesmiley

Om Miley Cyrus


       Miley Ray Cyrus (födelsenamn Destiny Hope Cyrus), född 23 november 1992 i Nashville, Tennessee, är en amerikansk sångerska och skådespelerska.


Namn: Miley

efternamn: Cyrus

smeknamn : Miles , Smiley

ålder: 18år

pappa: Billy Ray Cyrus

mamma: Tish cyrus

Syskon: Noha ,Trace ,Brandi  Braison, Trace

pojkvän:Liam Hemsworth





Fråga om Miley :)

Teen Choice Awards 2012!


Rösta på Miley för   Teen Choice Awards 2012!


Hon är nominerad till följande kategorier :




- Jennifer Lopez
- Katy Perry
- Miley Cyrus
- Nicki Minaj
- Zooey Deschanel


 Female Hottie:
- Selena Gomez
- Kate Upton
- Katy Perry
- Miley Cyrus
- Rihanna

Twiter :
- Justin Bieber
- Miley Cyrus
- Ryan Seacrest
- Demi Lovato
- Jimmy Fallon


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Kändis : Miley Ray Cyrus

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